
Pasta Verde- a Twenty Minute Meal!

Tonight's menu was simple, yet healthy! Rich, vibrant shades of green graced this delicious and oh so easy to make pasta dish.

First step- put water on to boil for the penne.

While it was going, fresh garlic was sliced and dropped into another pan with some extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil and put on medium heat.

I added fresh baby spinach leaves, asparagus, chopped green onions, and sliced poblano peppers, covered the pan, and let it all cook down for five minutes. 

Almond milk, heavy cream, shaved romano/pecorino, freshly ground nutmeg, and almond flour went in next. Almond flour, you ask? It's a wonderful, nutritional way to thicken a dish while offering additional calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E.

After putting the penne into the boiling, salted water, I turned down the burner with the vegetable/cream combination to allow the flavors to compliment each other while waiting on the pasta to finish.

Twelve minutes later, the penne was ready, drained, and gently stirred into the waiting pan. Sea salt and freshly ground peppercorns were added to taste.

Twenty minutes from start to finish. You can't beat that! After all, even the Food Snob doesn't always want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. But I still want something really good to eat. With this dish, both are possible.

Next time you check out my Menu Selections, you will see Pasta Verde as the newest choice.

Happy Eating!
Polly~ The Food Snob

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